Creating Blueprints of We
We LOVE the passion people around the world have shown for the Blueprint of We! More than 100 countries are regularly using the Blueprint of We.
To ensure that people around the globe can create their own Blueprints, we have made a significant amount of Free information available on our website. This is our gift to the world.
As we continue to build and support the Center for Collaborative Awareness, we offer our intellectual capital through Blueprint of We Relationship-specific Templates, Collaboration Card Decks, Certified Facilitators, Workshops and Collaboration Coaching for groups. Your financial support is vital to this work to continue its evolution and offer the world an alternative to traditional ways of contracting.
Blueprint of We Templates—Single Use License
Blueprint Templates (available at the Collaboration Store) are used by a group to create a single Blueprint of We. Any number of people can be part of that document, or can be added along the way.
When you go on to create Blueprints in new situations or with new people, you will need to purchase additional Single Use Licenses for each Blueprint you create. (You can purchase Multiple Use Licenses at a discount. Contact us at
Collaboration Card Decks
The On-Going Collaboration Cards are designed to make it easy to continually evolve your Blueprint of We Collaboration Document. They come with a Blueprint of We Digital Template (Word or Google Docs) so you can effortlessly begin a document with any number of people.
After the document is written, the Collaboration Cards are used on a regular basis to help further custom design your work together, create an even richer Blueprint, and help you mindfully evolve the relationship.
When to Use a Certified Facilitator
To create a Blueprint of We in your organization, community, or amongst a group of people, we ask you to engage a Certified Facilitator, or purchase discounted multiple user-licenses for the Blueprint of We Templates. These are all available through our certified facilitators or at the Collaboration Store website.
Making Money with the Blueprint of We
If you would like to teach others how to create Blueprint of We Collaboration Documents as part of an organization or your business, we request that you become a Certified Facilitator. We offer both in-person and virtual certification programs. For more information on Facilitator Certification click here.
Honoring of this request will go a long way in ensuring that the greatest number of people share in the Blueprint of We concept, as the revenue from the distribution and teaching of these materials supports the continuation of the website and our full dedication to expanding and sharing the Blueprint of We concept around the world. Thank you!
with gratitude,
Maureen and Zelle
Maureen K. McCarthy and Zelle Nelson
Co-Creators of the Blueprint of We
Co-Directors, The Center for Collaborative Awareness