When Fast, Deep, Creative Collaboration Is Imperative
and Technology Is Not Enough
The Blueprint of We California delightedly brings to California the visionary and practical document and process created by the Center for Collaborative Awareness.
The Blueprint of We Collaboration Process enables groups of any size—from 2 to 20,000—to custom design healthy, resilient, honest, vibrant and trusting business and personal relationships.
The Blueprint of We
Turns up the volume on our connected brain
Calms our safety brain

Creates a structure that supports connection and
collaborative awareness
The Blueprint of We is currently being used in 100+ countries, in communities, corporations, small businesses, nonprofits including faith institutions, and within families and schools. The Blueprint of We is effective with business partners, boards of directors, congregations, teams, couples, professionals and clients, friends and family members. It can be used to replace or enhance traditional legal contracts.

Mindful Design:
People around the globe say that the Blueprint of We is an idea whose time has come.
Each person involved in a relationship co-creates each document—which sounds unwieldy yet is actually dynamic, deep, democratic and fun! The Blueprint includes ways to deal with conflict and enhance reconnecting when the need arises.
Each Blueprint of We is individually and team-crafted resulting in vibrant, trusting, forward-focused relationships.
Download the 2-page Blueprint of We introduction article.
Blueprint of We and Blueprint of Me Templates are available for multiple types of relationships in the Collaboration Store.
NOTE: Please write "California" in the Notes box when you place your order.

Blueprint of We-California Founders, Sheella Mierson and Rachel Eryn Kalish, join host Kathleen Oweegon on Co-creating Peace, a podcast that focuses on Conscious Communication and Conflict Transformation.
Episode 1: Co-creating Peace: The Blueprint of We
Sheella and Rachel Eryn discuss the Blueprint of We, a process used to consciously co-create healthy, resilient, honest, and trusting relationships.
Episode 2: The Blueprint of We: Demonstrating the Process
The first podcast in this series described the Blueprint of We. In this episode, Sheella Mierson works with Ron Person, who is writing his Blueprint of We, to demonstrate the process.
Episode 3: Walking Through the Blueprint of We - A Way to
Co-Create Relationships
This time, Sheella and Ron will continue the walk-through of the remaining three components. In this time of transition, uncertainty, and adaptation, the Blueprint of We can be especially helpful as a tool to mindfully articulate, co-create and navigate professional and personal relationships for greatest long-term success.

Who We Are
Sheella Mierson, Ph.D. helps individuals and organizations design relationships, processes, and structures for creative collaboration. She supports her clients aligning goals, policies, & operations throughout their organization; setting up collaborative structures & processes to make policy decisions; accessing their group’s collective intelligence; and designing their relationships for collaboration and productivity. She works on multiple levels, from organizational to interpersonal, empowering clients to address the challenges they face.
Sheella draws on broad experience as a teacher, business trainer, facilitator, and organizational consultant. Initially trained as a biophysicist, she became skilled at fostering collaborative teamwork in both research and classroom environments, and has published articles on highly interactive methods of teaching in academic and business settings. She is a Certified Facilitator for the Blueprint of We Collaboration Process and a Sociocracy Consultant, and has worked with clients in business, education, health care, and non-profit sectors. Her passion is to create joyful, productive relationships and workplaces, where everyone’s voice matters. Sheella is a principal in Blueprint of We California and principal of Mierson Consulting.

Rachel Eryn Kalish, M.C. has over 30 years as a certified mediator, facilitator and trainer in the field of conflict transformation. She has worked with a wide spectrum of business and nonprofit organizations, with families and within communities to increase their capacity to listen deeply, navigate differences, repair broken relationships, and create & implement effective, wise, collaborative decision-making strategies with recognized results.
She works on multiple levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, political and spiritual, balancing visionary thinking with highly sensitive attention to details that can deepen or impede trust and collaboration. She was the facilitator and thought partner in the pioneering Year of Civil Discourse which changed the conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Bay Area Jewish and interfaith communities, inspiring other projects around the country. She is also a certified meditation teacher. Her life’s mission is to bring conflict transformation tools and spiritual practice into our world to increase our capacity for loving, honest, rigorous conversations while maintaining respectful, caring connections. Rachel Eryn is a senior consultant and a writer for Blueprint of We California; a principal in Workplace Connections; and the co-author of Challenging Conversations, a training program distributed globally by the Ken Blanchard Companies.

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Contact Us
For workshops, consulting and products, please contact us at sheella[at]miersonconsulting.com or (510)529-4228
Collaboration Store
To purchase products directly, go to the Collaboration Store
and write “California” in the Notes box when you place your order.
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