Beyond self awareness,
our world now demands Collaborative Awareness.
The Blueprint of We is a collaboration document and on-going process used to mindfully custom design business and personal relationships.
Wires your brain for clarity and connection
Used worldwide in many languages and cultures
Can serve as a traditional legal contract with both people and process in mind
calm the safety brain
and turn up the volume
on your connected brain
to create a culture of collaborative awareness
mindful design
what is the blueprint of we?
The Blueprint of We, created by the Center for Collaborative Awareness, enables groups of any size custom design healthier, more resilient business and personal relationships.
In an increasingly complex world, where the old ground rules are no longer reliable, it gives you the power to mindfully create your life and work, rather than squeezing into pre-established relationship models.
You personally write the document along with those involved, whether 2 people or 20,000+. It captures what draws each individual to the situation; enables you to let others know how you work best; helps you mindfully design the framework of the collaboration; and provides a path back to peace when the need arises.
As an on-going collaborative process, it wires your brain for more connection and compassion and enables groups of all sizes to continually find clarity. It is often being used to replace or enhance traditional legal contracts.
Choose the
one that's
right for you:
These Laying the Foundation Tools help you get started on your own collaboration documents:
the laying the foundation tool
In 20 minutes a group can get started with the 1.0 version of your
co-created Blueprint. Then everyone adds more to the document over time as you custom design and evolve the relationship.
We have Laying the Foundation Tool options for different types of relationships.
Tool includes:
Templates in both printable and digital versions
Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating, Clarifying and Using Your Blueprint
Web Content including the Neuroscience of Collaboration
Share the concept with others with the Introduction and Overview
who's using it and when
The Blueprint of We is currently being used in 100+ countries in communities, corporations, small businesses, non-profits, families, schools—between business partners, boards of directors, teams, couples, friends, siblings, etc.
Because it is a framework upon which to share the “blueprint of me” with others, it can be used within any relationship situation that exists, and with as many people as are involved. It creates effortless communication and easy day-to-day interactions that reduce stress and enhance overall emotional and physical health. People around the globe say it is an idea whose time has come.
Collaboration Card Decks enable you to quickly evolve your Blueprint over time. Includes templates and digital materials.
the 5 Components
of a Blueprint of We Collaboration Document
1. The Story of Us
What draws you to these people and this situation.
2. Interaction Styles & Warning Signs
Who you are. How you work best.
3. Custom Design
Determine what matters most. Use it to mindfully
design the framework of what, when, why and how.
4. Questions for Peace & Possibility
Capture your most creative and compassionate selves ahead of time.
5. Short & Long-term Agreements
Timeframes for coming back to center and building your document.
why create collaboration documents?
The Benefits at Work
Impact your productivity, satisfaction, loyalty — move beyond your ordinary interactions to have the conversations that matter
Calm the Safety Brain and engage the Connected Brain
Strengthen the foundation of connection and trust
Alternative to legal contracts — bring people back to the center of business relationship
Space for the conversation regarding actions, values and intentions
Perfect third-party mediator tool to get you through the difficult times
Collective memory of who you are, how you want to interact, and the work you are custom designing together
Increase the speed at which you do business
Create evolving leaders
Design highly collaborative virtual teams
Strengthen adaptability and resiliency as a group
Adopting the Concept Organization-wide
Best case scenario, spreading the Blueprint of We through your organization begins when the leadership team senses the need for deeper, more dynamic and resilient interactions. They lead by example; creating a Blueprint for their team and with their direct reports. As the concept begins to permeate the organization, everyone is invited to create their portion of an organization-wide Blueprint of We.
Even if you’re not part of the leadership team, your spark and energy can move mountains. Sometimes it takes one or two people to start using the documents, building more effortless relationships, and then others start to notice. The adoption process is infectious and exciting. Whichever path your organization takes, decide today to custom design and build your business relationships, making them more vibrant and effortless.
The Benefits in your Personal Life
The ability to calm the Safety Brain and engage the Connected Brain
A foundation of connection and trust
Structure for conversations that matter - a safe space to say what is most important and meaningful
Invitation and support for the best version of each of you to show up in the relationship
Space for the conversation regarding actions, values and intentions
Perfect third-party mediator tool to get you through difficult times
Process to deepen support for one another on each person’s own terms
Adaptability and resiliency in constantly evolving situations
Collective memory of who you want to be, how you want to interact, and the life you want to custom design together